*** This site is under construction ***
My intent is to provide both text [in MdC] format and dictionary resources. I will also provide links
to other Egyptology resources on the web. I would welcome submissions of texts in MdC format, and after reviewing
would be happy to make them available to other users. In addition to the text resources, there will be a comprehensive
dictionary resource. This includes an English version of the Beinlich list [with additions - will add new sources as
I find them] and an English version of the Demotisches Glossar. They are currently in spread sheet format,
but will be converted to DB for on-line reference. They include links to the relevant pages in WB and DG.
I hope to make this site "open source." By that I would welcome participation by anyone interested in submitting,
reviewing, or assisting in producing resources. The target audience is for students and anyone interested in learning
or using Hieroglyphic [Hieratic and Demotic as well] texts. Any errors or omissions noted would be very welcome, and
suggestions for additional texts would also receive attention. I intend starting with texts such as those in Sethe's Lesestücke
and Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca. Other less common texts will be added [especially in response to requests].